George B.

Craig P.
About Us
Upcoming Activities:
Jan. 15 - Election of Officers
Feb. 19 - Cutting Skills Workshop
Mar. 19 - Prep for IAW
Nar. 29-30 - Idaho Artistry in Wood Show
Idaho Artistry in Wood
March 29th & 30th, 2025
Jack's Urban Meeting Place (JUMP)
1000 W Myrtle St.
Downtown Boise
Monthly Meetings:
Held the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm
Woodcraft of Boise
Overland Park Shopping Center
7005 W. Overland Rd.
Boise, ID 83709
(On Overland East of Cole)
Club Officers:
President: Craig Plummer
VP: Troy Wilkins
Secretary: Ralph & Annette Cavalieri
Treasurer: Richard Case
This Years Group Project - Segmentation

In September 1999, Conway Benson called together some local woodworkers who were interested in scroll sawing. By mid-2000, the Treasure Valley Scrollers club was a chapter of the Scrollsaw Association of the World (SAW).
Headquartered in Boise, Idaho club members are located throughout the Treasure Valley. Fret work, intarsia, are only a few of the woodworking techniques used by our members. Club activities include co-sponsorship in the annual spring Idaho Artistry in Wood Show and participation in the Idaho Woodworkers’ and Idaho PieceMakers’ Quilt Show (Kuna Days). Members have entered their works as well as providing a public information booth at this show. We also strongly support local charity and fund raising auctions with donated woodworking projects.
Visit the rest of our web site to learn more about all our club activities including club membership and meetings; our member gallery of woodworking projects; links and other resources we hope you find useful; and woodworking hints and tips.